Monday, February 27, 2017

Milk Tea- Indian style Chai(my version)

I met with some of my childhood friends recently and made this tea for them and was surprised that they all found it special and really good. I wrote this recipe for them and i decided to post it here too. 
I started out making this tea for my hubby and through lot of trial and error i perfected it and make it nearly everyday day. Some of my friends who have not tried indian tea have been asking how to make this simple yet interesting tea with spice!Here it is...  
To make this tea you need- Whole milk, (recommended) i think that fat won't hurt you;)
-I use "tea India"tea brand or any brand tea leaves(availble in asian or indian stores) if using tea bag there is a tip that helps
-need 4-6 tea bags dipped into a cup of water and microwaved till the tea bags bloats up and looks like concentrated black tea)and add it to the milk as it boils)
- Granulated sugar ,
-Green cardamom pods
-Tea pot or aluminum tea pan and tea strainer.

How I make it for one person is

-Boil one cup of whole milk-as it's boiling I add one spoon of sugar ( add a teaspoon more if needed)

-And one pod of cardamon crushed to powder with out the skin.( if no mortar and pestle just crush the pod and put in whole)

-as soon as it boils Add two spoons of tea leaves and not let it boil for a long time.i take it off heat almost immediately i get the right dark tea colour to avoid getting bitter

-strain it as soon as you take it off heat for the same reason.- use another vessel and pour it back and forth to reduce the temperature to a drinkable one.
-you will end up with nice frothy tea that has the right temperature.

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